Details of my travel whilst on the road

Friday, January 12, 2007

Job for 2007..... finally sorted

I can finnaly report that I will definitely be starting with nsw Department of Environment and Conservation early Febuary. This is after lots of back and forth, tossing up, and date changes. I have let the other employers know I won't be taking their offers, and have today signed the DEC offer. At this stage I have not told my current casual employer, but I will do so in the next week or so.

It is really good to finally have it nailed down. After passing on my other offers, I was really nervous waiting for this final offer - what if it never arrived and I had burnt those bridges? I would be stuck in a call centre forever!

Thankfully not the case. Sadly I won't be able to join Katie in Hong Kong (she goes back on 17th Jan.), but hopefully she will have a great time, and I will be all prepared for the new job.

Tonight I think we are going ten pin bowling (!), should be interesting....


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