Details of my travel whilst on the road

Saturday, December 30, 2006

good food, bargains and decisions

It has been a great couple of days. Yesterday I went into the city and ordered a new pair of prescription sunglasses (before my private health benefits expire for the year). I grabbed lunch in the city (Yum Cha at East Ocean) - it was strange to eat it alone, but good anyway. I did a bit of thinking in this private time - as much as possible amid the din of yum cha. In the evening Kate and I went in for a farewell party for a friend of Kate. It was fun, just eating drinking and chatting. At midnight they headed to Karaoke in the city (actually 50m from his apartment - RIGHT in the city) - I left after about 40 minutes to head home - Kate and the crew stayed until about 4am.

Late this morning Kate and I went for Yum Chat in Hurstville together. It was a treat to have it twice in a row! Then we had a look around the sales at hurstville and both got some bargains at Myer. Kate got a beautiful Italian made scarf, and a cute t-shirt. I got a new pair of works shoes (over 50% off!), a cool french cuff work shirt ($65 down to just $20!) and new pair of casual shorts, also on a good special!

This evening Sandrine joined us to watch Little Miss Sunshine - it was a nice movie to watch together. We drank some Ricadonna Asti, laughed a lot and it was great to all spend some time together.

Post script.

Ooops, i left out the decisions part! Last night and today Kate and I found opportunities to discuss my job offers for 2007. It is hard to balance the positive and negative points of each to try to objectively rate one against the other - especially when so much is up in the air - more than just subjective, it is just a guess at this stage as I can't know what each job will REALLY be like until i am doing it... and so much of job enjoyment must be related to the dynamic and personalities of the team you are working with. That said, I have pretty much decided, but I won't go on about any decisions until it is all finalised with the various companies.

Hope you all have a good new years eve celebration!


  • This air of mystery is near as bad as Agatha Christie, when will we hear the verdict? Sound slike an enjoyable day at the shops.

    For our part we had some real rain at the ranch today (about 20 mm) but none at Young and not much at Granddads or Jim's. Very patchy

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 11:26 PM  

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