Details of my travel whilst on the road

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

44 hours til japan & top 100

I had a thought the other day that i should bite the bullet and compile a list of my all time favourite films (not best - favourite!) I am just a tiny bit busy getting ready to leave work and the rest to go to Japan on Thursday, but I wanted to make a public commitment that I will make a top 100 list. I have always resisted this as it is so hard, but having to write a top five list for a job application a while ago was fun... so I will extend it a little. Probably actually no one cares that I will do this, but I want to, and this may help keep me to it!

44 hours! YAY! Only 8 hours left of work til JP! :D :D :D Oh, and in 1 week today I will have just had the supremo lunch at Iron Chef Sakai's restaurant in Shibuya! SO EXCITED.

Friday, April 13, 2007

one week from now I will be out with Eriko and Reiko in Gifu, Japan - soon to head back to the hotel to get ready for the wedding tommorow!!!!!! :-D

Thursday, April 12, 2007

quick update

Work is going well and my health is good.

It is only one week until I will have arrived in Osaka Japan! I am getting very excited, I cannot wait. I am using all of my spare time working out the agenda and budget for the trip! It will be so good to visit Japan - I have always wanted to go - and especially to see Kayo's home, wedding and to visit the wonderful friends I made at university. I still need to work out how to prioritise things to see and do in Tokyo, Kyoto and Osaka - if you have been and have advice, please email me! I have worked out what I need to pack, and trying to decide what luggage to use - i think either a small wheeled bag, a large backpack, or a hybrid. Oh, I am also trying to watch as many Hayao Miyazaki films (from studio Ghibli), in case I end up visiting the Ghibli museum in Tokyo.

Otherwise what is new.... I will meet up with all of the graduates in my program this Saturday for a boozy dinner, that should be good, and cousin Jono and family are visiting on Saturday lunch time. Can't wait.

Tonight I made a white miso sauce that also had sake, mirin, sugar and mustard in it. It is great, but I think its best as a marinade or baste - too strong to use as a regular sauce as i did tonight. Still, one more to add to the repertoire.

Anyway, will post before i leave for JP, and during or after trip - hopefully with pretty pictures of the Sakura (cherry blossom).

Wednesday, April 04, 2007 update

Hi all, having just had to pay the subscription renewal on my personal website for domain and hosting, I am going to make more of an effort to get it up to date and worthwhile. I have just posted the first journal entry in a long time.


Pictures from Kayo's Wedding

Here are a few of my shots - it was a really beautiful wedding.

My favourite picture - of Kayo and Kevin as the rose petals were being thrown after the ceremony.

What a beautiful bride

Nice one of mum and Katie

Katie and Kevin.
Signing the papers (sideways)

Cheeky little bugger ate all the white roses....

It really was the most beautiful wedding I have attended. Just lovely.

Monday, April 02, 2007

The photo speaks for itself