Details of my travel whilst on the road

Friday, March 14, 2008

Novocastrian Kim Jung Il

I'm ronrey, so ronrey...

It is now almost 3 weeks that I have been in Newcastle... and counting. I am sure things will pick up in time, but I am pretty bored and lonely at the moment.

On the work front... well it is a new job, you know how that is. I am lucky that the team are all really nice here, but I am still in the throws of learning things, and my projects are only just getting started. So it is going ok.

On the social front... Well. I am glad I have a big TV and a nice view! I don't really know anyone here outside work. I went along to the photography club meeting last Friday - it was interesting but I didn't meet anyone. I have enrolled in a short photography course too - it is only 5 weeks (and really expensive), but it means I have something to do for the next few Tuesdays, and I may meet someone nice I can hang out with.

Otherwise, I went out to take photo's last Sunday which was really fun. (A couple below)

Last night I came down from Newcastle on the train for the weekend. Kate and I are joining a group of friends for the Roar and Snore at Taronga Zoo tonight. It should be great - we arrive at 6.30, get a behind the scenes tour, dinner, night tour, then sleep in tents amid some animals. Then more of the same in the morning. It should be lots of fun - and I am sure thousands of shots will be taken as there are lots of keen photographers in the group.


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